
Instructions to the Contributors

The JOURNAL OF BIOPESTICIDES (JBiopestic) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by the Crop Protection Research Centre. It publishes original research papers on the management of insect, mite and nematode pests, weeds and disease of crops with biopesticides based on natural sources such as plants, microbes, fungi, predators and parasitoids and allied materials including bioherbicides, bionanomaterial and entomopathogenic nematodes for agricultural, biochemical, molecular and biotechnological nature related to biological pesticides. The journal is published in both printed (ISSN 0974-391x) and online versions (ISSN 2230-8385). The online version is freely accessible and downloadable.

The following types of contributions are considered for publication:

         Full-length research papers

         Short communications

         Review articles

         Descriptions of Eco-friendly product for pest and disease management

         Awards, prizes, and scholarships of international and national repute related to Eco-friendly pest management

         The announcement on Seminars, workshops, training programme, conference, and news etc. related to biopesticides

         We publishes maximum of 25 articles in a year

Instructions to the Authors

Authors should strictly follow the instructions for rapid acceptance

  1. 01

    Manuscripts in English should be submitted to The Managing Editor, Indian Academy of Biopesticudes Kanyakumari - 629702, Tamil Nadu, India, by post or e-mail attachment to

  2. 02

    Publication Policy

    First and second author should be a subscriber/member of the journal. However, we welcome all authors to subscribe the journal

    Manuscripts submitted for publication in Journal of Biopesticides should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

    Page charges are applicable at the rate of Rs. 400 and US $ 30 per printed page for authors in India and overseas respectively. Invoice (on request only) will be sent to the authors along with the galley proof.

    Waiver policy (for developing country authors) – 10-25% based on the employment nature

    Journal has not collect any article submission charges

    Announcements of seminars/symposia, book reviews and relevant information on plant protection will also be considered for publication.

    Strict conformity with the above guidelines will ensure speedy publication of your paper.

    We interested to exchange Journal of Biopesticides to other journals of same nature or related to crop production and protection

  3. 03

    Two copies of the manuscript (double-spaced, 12 Times New Roman), complete in all respects including illustrations, along with a soft copy (OR) via e-mail should be sent to the Managing Editor (e-mail:

  4. 04

    Order the elements comprising the manuscript as follows:
    Title page (Times new roman, 13 font size, bold) along with authors address including contact numbers, fax number and e-mail address (separate page)

    The abstract should be under 300 words. However, short communications do not require an abstract but do require keywords.

    Keywords (4-6) for indexing (different from title words),

    Running title, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Appendix, Acknowledgments (including those for grant and financial support), References, Figure-caption list, Tables and Supplementary files (if any)

  5. 05

    We accept good quality photographs & camera-ready illustrations (numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals). Legend for the figures should be typed on a separate page. All figures must be referred to, at appropriate places, in the text. The cost of printing colour illustration is to be met by the author

  6. 06

    Tables should be numbered (with Roman numerals) and referred to by number in the text and carry explanatory footnotes (indicated by superscript lowercase letters) below the table.

  7. 07

    List references alphabetically at the end of the paper and refers to them in the text by name and year in parentheses. The style and punctuation of the references should conform to that used in the journal-illustrated by the following examples:

    Journal Article

    Schal, C., Charlton, R. E., and Card, R. T. 1987. Sex pheromone titers and release rates in Holomelina lamae (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13: 1115-1129.


    Poinar, G. O., Jr., and Thomas, G. M. 1984. Laboratory Guide to Insect Pathogens and Parasites, Plenum Press, New York, 234 P.

    Proceedings/Book Contributions

    Sahajini, K. 1981. Disruption pine beetle infestations with attractants and inhibitors. In: Management of Insect Pests with Semiochemicals: Concepts and Practice (Mitchell, E. R. ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 365-383 PP.

  8. 08

    TFootnotes should be avoided. When their use is absolutely necessary, footnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and should be typed at the bottom of the page to which they refer. Place a line above the footnote, so that it is set off from the text. Use the appropriate superscript numeral for citation in the text.

  9. 09

    For revised submission and accepted manuscripts, you are required to provide all source text and figure files.

  10. 10

    Proofs: After accepting the manuscript, J Biopestic technical assistants will contact you regarding your manuscript page proofs to correct printing errors only, i.e., other corrections or content improvement are not permitted. The proofs shall be returned in 3 working days (72 h) via e-mail

Preparation of the text

1. Use 2.0 line spacing for all text and include line numbers.

2. Italicize Latin words

3. Use SI units only

4. kDa is acceptable for molecular mass

5. Use S.E. and S.D. for standard errors and standard deviation, respectively

6. Cite each figure and table in the text numerical order

7. Use Fig. 1a, B or Figs. 3, 4.

8. One author - (David, 2008) or (David, 2008; Jose, 2009); two authors (Basheer and Thomas, 2010) and more than two authors - (Chavan et al., 2011)

Funding Source and Declaration

Each author must individually declare all sources of funding received for the research submitted to the journal. This information includes the name of granting agencies, and grant numbers. Authors are not required to provide the complete list of every single grant that supports them if the grant is not related to the research published.

Funding Statement:
A Funding Statement is included in the metadata of each published article. The Funding Statement includes the funding information declared by the authors. Inaccurate information about funding discovered after publication may require a correction

Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be checked by the authors for originality using anti-plagiarism software and submit a certificate along with the manuscript.

The following are few of the Terms and Conditions while Submitting

When submitting the manuscripts:

a) Please indicate the category (full length article or short communication) the paper should be considered;

b) Send a list of three possible referees for the paper submitted, with their full addresses and Emails and

c) Send a written statement that can be in the submission Email, saying that you agree in paying the page charge if your paper is accepted for publication.

The following articles will not be accepted for publication unless the authors can demonstrate the originality of the research:

When submitting the manuscripts:

a) Manuscripts that report preliminary results or only confirm previously reported results.

b) Manuscripts that translate a test already published to the language of another country without new original research.