How to cite this article:
El-SayedA. El-Sheikh and Mary D. Mamatha. 2012. The role of a- and b-hydrolase fold enzymesas biopesticides in pest management. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):233-238.
Disruptingjuvenile hormone (JH), an important hormone that has a major role in insectdevelopment and reproductive function, will disrupt insect development. JH wasshown to be primarily metabolized by two hydrolytic enzymes in the a /b-hydrolasefold family known as JH esterase (JHE; EC and JH epoxide hydrolase(JHEH; EC The major routes of JH metabolism in Lepidoptera are esterhydrolysis by JHE and epoxide hydration by JHEH. These catabolic pathwaysgenerate three metabolites (JH-acid, JH-diol and JHacid- diol) that are eachbelieved to be physiologically inactive. The most direct use in disruptinginsect life cycle is with baculoviruses through increasing the efficiency ofthem by introducing these two metabolic enzymes into baculovirus genome. Thisrecombinant technology provides in vivo long-term stability andefficiency for pest control. Recombinant baculoviruses with JHE or JHEHproteins represent valuable technology that may has great potential foreffective integration pest management system. Such a demonstration wouldindicate that JHE or JHEH, as novel anti-JH agents, make them as potentbiopesticides and may represent a major step toward a more sustainableagriculture.
How to cite this article:
El-SayedA. El-Sheikh and Mary D. Mamatha. 2012. The role of a- and b-hydrolase fold enzymesas biopesticides in pest management. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):233-238.
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