How to cite this article:
Gangadhar, B., Kumaresan, P., Somaprakash, D. S.and Qadri, S. M. H. 2012. Adoptionof biocontrol methods for the control of mealy bug and uzifly in sericulture. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):199-201
The resultsrevealed that awareness on the use of bio-control methods against tukra anduzifly was created due to the demonstrations conducted by the scientists andmajority of the farmers found that the biocontrol agents were effective inchecking the pest incidence. However, the farmers did not follow the technologyafter the demonstration. Non-availability of biocontrol agents was the primaryreason expressed by the farmers for nonadoption of the technology.
How to cite this article:
Gangadhar, B., Kumaresan, P., Somaprakash, D. S.and Qadri, S. M. H. 2012. Adoptionof biocontrol methods for the control of mealy bug and uzifly in sericulture. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):199-201
Scimagojr H index 22
SJR 0.18 (Q4) -Impact Score 0.37 Journal impact-0.39
Google scholar -Total Citation-8838, H-index-45