How to cite this article:
Soundararajan, R. P., Chitra,N., Geetha, S. and Poorani, J. 2012. Biological control of bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) in blackgram.Journal ofBiopesticides, 15(0):192-195.
Pulse beetle, Callosobruchusmaculatus (F.) (Bruchidae: Coleoptera) is a major pest of stored blackgram,greengram, cowpea and other pulse grains. Nnatural incidence of bruchidparasitoid Dinarmus sp. (Pteromalidae: Hymenoptera) have been recordedin the stored blackgram seeds and also at field level. 500 blackgram seeds werereleased with 2 pairs of fresh bruchid adults in 5 different sets (A to E) withthree replications. Two pairs of freshly emerged adult parasitoids werereleased at 5, 10, 15 and 20 days (A to D) after bruchid inoculation. A set ofcontrol (E) was maintained with no parasitoid release. Among the treatments,parasitoid released on 5th and 10th day had more adult parasitoid emergence(9.0 and 11.0) in the first generation and bruchid adult emergence was low (3.0and 2.0) in the treatments. The parasitoid and bruchids were allowed up to fourgenerations in the same set of seeds. The adult parasitoid emergence was thehighest in second generation and in subsequent generation the emergence ofparasitoid and bruchid was the least. After second generation the seeds were totallydamaged in the control. The mass culturing techniques of the parasitoid and thefeasibility for large scale release to control bruchids to be studied infuture.
How to cite this article:
Soundararajan, R. P., Chitra,N., Geetha, S. and Poorani, J. 2012. Biological control of bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) in blackgram.Journal ofBiopesticides, 15(0):192-195.
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