How to cite this article:
Sabu K. Thomas* and Aswathi, P. 2012. Potentialof rubber litter dwelling ants as biocontrol agent of home invading nuisancepest, Luprops tristis. Journalof Biopesticides, 15(0):188-191.
Identificationof rubber plantation litter floor as the breeding and feeding habitat of thehome invading nuisance pest, Luprops tristis (Fabricius) and presence ofits egg, larval forms and pupae in litter layers leads to the possibility ofusing litter dwelling predatory ants as a potential biocontrol agent to controlits population build up. Search for data on the predatory litter ant speciesassociated with rubber plantations revealed that no data exists on the speciescomposition and abundance of litter ant community associated with the rubberplantation forests of the Western Ghats. In the present study, collection oflitter ants from the rubber plantations were done following the annual leafshedding employing pit fall traps and with traps baited with live mobile andimmobile L. tristis beetles to identify the ants that may prey upon thebeetles. Results revealed low abundance and species richness of litter ants inrubber plantation litter habitat and none of the ant species present in therubber plantation litter could be used as a biocontrol agent to control L.tristis as all are deterred either by the defensive gland secretion or bythe larger size and the active movement of L. tristis beetle.
How to cite this article:
Sabu K. Thomas* and Aswathi, P. 2012. Potentialof rubber litter dwelling ants as biocontrol agent of home invading nuisancepest, Luprops tristis. Journalof Biopesticides, 15(0):188-191.
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