Kalimuthu Kovendan1*, Kadarkarai Murugan1, Savariar Vincent2 and Donald R. Barnard3
The presentstudy was carried out to establish the properties of Acalypha alnifolia leafextract and microbial insecticide, Metarizhium anisopliae on larvicidaland pupicidal activity against the lymphatic filarial vector, Culex quinquefasciatus.The methanol extract of A. alnifolia leaf showed larvicidal andpupicidal effects after 24 h of exposure; with, the highest larval and pupalmortality was recorded against the first- to fourth-instar larvae and pupae ofvalues LC50= 5.67% 1st instar, 6.62% 2nd instar, 7.53% 3rd instar and 9.05% 4thinstar, and 10.20% pupae respectively, and microbial insecticide, M.anisopliae against the first to fourth instar larvae and pupae with LC50 values1st instar was 10.53%, 2nd instar was 15.57%, 3rd instar was 23.06%, and 4th instarwas 31.36%, and pupae was 42.54%, respectively. Moreover, combined treatment ofvalues of LC50 values of 1st instar was 3.73%, 2nd instar was 4.72%, 3rd instarwas 5.55%, and 4th instar was 7.66%, and pupae was 9.16%, respectively. Nomortality was observed in the control. The results shows the leaves extract of A.alnifolia and the entomopathogenic fungi, M. anisopliae arecandidates for controlling lymphatic filarial vector, C. quinquefasciatus.Hence, A. alnifolia and M. anisopliae can be considered foreco-friendly vector control programs.
PAGES: 170-176 | 15 VIEWS | 5 DOWNLOADS
How to cite this article:
KalimuthuKovendan*, Kadarkarai Murugan, Savariar Vincent and Donald R. Barnard. 2012. Efficacy of larvicidal and pupicidal propertiesof Acalypha alnifolia Klein ex Willd.(Euphorbiaceae) leaf extract and Metarhiziumanisopliae (Metsch.) against Culexquinquefasciatus Say. (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):170-176.