How to cite this article:
SunilKr. Ghosh and Gautam Chakraborty. 2012. Integrated field management of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabr.)on potato using botanical and microbial pesticides. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):151-154.
Potato (Solanumtuberosum L.) is cultivated in India in a commercial scale and this crop issusceptible to various insect pests of which epilachna beetle (Henosepilachnavigintioctopunctata Fabr.) causes heavy damage. Studies were made toevaluate efficacy of extracts from plants such as Pongamia pinnata L.(Karanja) and Nicotiana tabacum L., botanical insecticide such asazadirachtin (1500 ppm), microbial insecticides like Beauveria bassianaVuillemin against epilachna beetle infesting potato crop under fieldconditions of the sub Himalayan region of north-east India during the rabiseason. Methanol was used as solvent for extracting from fruits of Pongamia andwater for leaves of Nicotiana tabacum. Cartap hydrochloride 50% SP wasused as check. Three sprays at 10-day intervals were made, starting with theinitiation of infestation. Total epilachna beetle numbers (both adult and grub)per plant were counted at 4 and 9 days after treatment (DAT). The data thusobtained were converted to the per cent reduction of the epilachna beetle populationand analyzed statistically. Significant differences were found in the efficacyof different treatments in reducing the pest population and their persistence atdifferent DAT. Cartap hydrochloride was found the most effective treatment forthe controlling epilachna beetles, followed by botanical insecticide,azadirachtin. It was observed that botanical insecticide, azadirachtin andextracts of Pongamia at a concentration of 5 % gave satisfactory control,recording more than 50 % mortality. The azadirachtin was found very effectiveagainst the epilachna beetle, achieving more than 60% mortality at 4 days afterspraying. Plant extracts, botanical insecticides and microbial insecticides arebiopesticides having less or no hazardous effects on human health and theenvironment, and therefore, they can be incorporated in IPM programmes andorganic farming.
How to cite this article:
SunilKr. Ghosh and Gautam Chakraborty. 2012. Integrated field management of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabr.)on potato using botanical and microbial pesticides. Journal of Biopesticides, 15(0):151-154.
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