How to cite this article:
Bakavathiappan, Ga*., Baskaran, S.Pavaraj, M. and Jeyaparvathi, S. 2012. Effect of Calotropis procera leaf extract on Spodoptera litura (Fab.) Journal of Biopesticides, 5(0): 135-138.
The study wascarried out to determine the antifeedant activity of different solvent extracts(0.625, 1.25, 2.5 and 5%) of Calotropis procera leaves against thirdinstar larvae of Spodoptera litura by leaf dip method. The maximum activitywas recorded in chloroform extract followed by hexane, ethanol, acetone, ethylacetate and methanol. Chloroform extract exhibited the best larvicidal activityagainst the S. litura. The antifeedant activity was directlyproportional to the concentration of the extract. Antifeedant effect in insectis one of the major parameters to assess the efficacy of crop protections. Theresults clearly indicate that the chloroform extract of C. procera possessesmany useful properties to control insect pests.
How to cite this article:
Bakavathiappan, Ga*., Baskaran, S.Pavaraj, M. and Jeyaparvathi, S. 2012. Effect of Calotropis procera leaf extract on Spodoptera litura (Fab.) Journal of Biopesticides, 5(0): 135-138.
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