How to cite this article:
Mondal, B. and Mondal, P. 2012. Ecofriendly pest management practices forleaf curl complex of chilli (Capsicumannuum L.). Journal of Biopesticides,5(0): 115-118.
Chilli (Capsicumannuum L.) is an important profitable cash crop. However, the productivityof the crop is decreasing sharply day by day mainly due to leaf curl complex.Chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) and yellow mite (Polyphagotarsonemuslatus Banks) are the two major pests responsible for this devastating problem.Seven IPM modules including a non-IPM module were evaluated for sustainablemanagement of these pests. Experimental findings revealed that all theIPM-modules proved superior to non IPM-module. The module T4 having one sprayof Boom Tet followed by Abamectin and again Boom Tet at 21 days interval provedmost effective in reducing pests population as well as in terms of benefit-costratio followed by module T5(Redux+ Garlic extract + Diafenthiuron) and T6 (NSKE + Redux + Boom Tet) when sprayedsuccessively at same interval. It can be concluded that module T4, T5 and T6 may beconsidered for sustainable production of chilli.
How to cite this article:
Mondal, B. and Mondal, P. 2012. Ecofriendly pest management practices forleaf curl complex of chilli (Capsicumannuum L.). Journal of Biopesticides,5(0): 115-118.
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