How to cite this article:
Rajasri Mandali and Dharma Reddy, K. 2014. Neem formulations – safer seed protectants for long term storage of redgram against Callosobruchus chinensis.Journal of Biopesticides, 7, 128-132.
The efficacy ofindigenous neem products like neem seed kernel powder, neem cake, neem leaf
powder, neem oiland commercially available neem formulations viz., Econeem plus®,Neemindia ® and Neemazal ® were evaluated in the laboratory for the control ofpulse beetle, C. chinensis in stored redgram. These were compared withdeltamethrin treatment as a chemical check. The red gram seed was treated withthe neem formulations and stored under ambient conditions for storabilitystudies. Observations on oviposition, insect damage, germination and seedlingvigor index were recorded at three months interval. All the three commerciallyavailable neem formulations viz., Neemazal, Econeem plus, Neem indiarecorded less insect damage (<1 %) on par with neem oil (1%) anddeltamethrin (0.8%) but found significantly superior to other neem products(1.2 to 1.4 %) and untreated control (1.8%) during three months of storage. Econeemplus proved to be superior over other neem formulations with lowest insectdamage (1.28%) on par with Neemindia (3.79%) and deltamethrin (3.07%) comparedto high insect damage recorded with untreated control (49.04%) at six months ofstorage. All the three commercially available neem formulations viz., Econeemplus, Neem india and Neemazal recorded less insect damage (6.9 ,7.3 and 7.5 %respectively) on par with deltamethrin (7.3%) and neemoil (8.7%) anddeltamethrin (0.8%) but found significantly superior to other neem products(> 40 %) and untreated control (64.2%) up to nine months of storage. The resultsindicated that the neem formulations viz., Econeem plus, Neemazal and Neemindiawere found to be very effective against C. chinensis by recording lessoviposition, less adult emergence and less insect damage in stored red gram andalso maintained high viability (>80%) and vigour of seed up to nine monthsof storage.
How to cite this article:
Rajasri Mandali and Dharma Reddy, K. 2014. Neem formulations – safer seed protectants for long term storage of redgram against Callosobruchus chinensis.Journal of Biopesticides, 7, 128-132.
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