How to cite this article:
Rajadurai, G and Kumar,K. 2014. Impact ofdifferent modules on spiders in rice (Oryza sativa L.) ecosystem. Journal of biopesticides, 7, 10-15.
Theimpact of different modules against the population of spiders in rice (Oryzasativa L.) ecosystem was studied during 2012 – 13. Two supervised fieldexperiments were conducted during kharif 2012 and rabi 2012 – 13.Totally five modules namely chemical module, bio intensive module, neem basedmodule, integrated module and farmers practice module with four replicationswas evaluated in the two seasons. In this experiment nine species of spiders viz.,Araneus spp. C., Argiope catenulata D., Argiope pulchella T.,Callitrichia formosana Oi., Clubiona japonicola Bosenberg &Strand, Leucage decorata W., Lycosa spp., Oxyopes javanus T. and Tetragnathajavana T. were identified during the crop growth period. The population ofspiders was observed from 14 days after transplanting (DAT) to 77 DAT in boththe seasons. During kharif 2012 the population of spiders ranged from0.05 to 0.45/hill. The overall mean population of spiders ranged from 0.14 to0.25/hill irrespective of the treatments. It was found that the per centreduction was higher in the chemical module (44%) compared to the farmerspractice module. During rabi 2012 – 13 the population of spiders rangedfrom 0.15 to 1.92/hill. The overall mean population of spiders ranged from 0.33to 1.18/hill. A higher per cent reduction was observed in the chemical module(72.03%) as in the kharif. It was concluded that from both the fieldexperiments a higher population of spiders was observed in the farmers practicemodule followed by integrated module, neem based module, bio intensive moduleand chemical module.
How to cite this article:
Rajadurai, G and Kumar,K. 2014. Impact ofdifferent modules on spiders in rice (Oryza sativa L.) ecosystem. Journal of biopesticides, 7, 10-15.
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