How to cite this article:
Kapadiya, I. B., Undhad, S.V., Talaviya, J.R. and Siddhapara, M.R.2014. Evaluation ofphytoextracts against Fusarium solani causing root rot of okra. Journal of biopesticides, 7, 07-09.
Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus L.) is an important vegetable crop, severely attacked by rootrot
(Fusariumsolani) in Junagadh district, Gujarat state (India). The pathogen causedgrayish discoloration of stem near the soil base, root became soft and vascularbundles turned into brownish in colour results in drying of plants. Thereforeeffords was made to screen the different phytoextracts in laboratory conditionagainst test fungus. Among that maximum inhibition was obtained in turmeric rhizomeextract (62.72%) which followed by jatropha leaf extract (52.57%) and neemleaves extract (48.46%).
How to cite this article:
Kapadiya, I. B., Undhad, S.V., Talaviya, J.R. and Siddhapara, M.R.2014. Evaluation ofphytoextracts against Fusarium solani causing root rot of okra. Journal of biopesticides, 7, 07-09.
Scimagojr H index 22
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Google scholar -Total Citation-8838, H-index-45