Ahed Abd Ali Hadi Matloob1*, Kawther Fadil Alwan2, Selan Husain Segar3
The aim of the study was to isolate and diagnose the pathogens of the Damping off of pepper seedlings in Babylon province-Iraq and to evaluate the effectiveness of some biological control agents in disease control. 7 species of fungi associated with root rot and Damping off of pepper seedlings were diagnosed. Fusariumsolani was the most common fungus followed by Macrophominaphaseolina and Rhizoctoniasolani. The results showed that Trichodermaharzianium and Pseudomonas fluorescens have a high level of antagonistic contrast with pathogens. The results appeared the efficacy of the Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) extract in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi. All the used treatments resulted in an increase in the percentage of pepper seed germination. A significant improvement in the biologic integration of T. harzianum and P. fluorescens and water extract of the Black Cumin increasing the percentage of germination of pepper seeds and provide good protection from the infection by pathogenic fungi causing Damping off disease, ranging between 62.5 - 87.5%. The conclusion of this study the effectiveness of the T. harzianum, P. fluorescens and the black cumin seed water extract in the protection of pepper seeds and seedlings from the infection by some pathogenic fungi
Keywords: pepper; damping off, Biological control, Plant Extracts, Black Cumin.
PAGES: 215-223 | 0 VIEWS | 0 DOWNLOADS
How to cite this article:
Citation: Ahed Abd Ali Hadi Matloob, Kawther Fadil Alwan, Selan Husain Segar. 2019. Control of the causes of the damping off disease on pepper by some biological agents in Babylon province-Iraq.Journal of Biopesticides, 12(2): 215-223.