J. Gulsar Banu, T. Surulivelu, M. Amutha and N. Gopalakrishnan
Acephate 700g a.i. /ha, Chlorpyriphos 500g a.i./ha, NSKE 5%, Neem oil (2.5 l /ha) + Nirma powder (0.1%), Nirma powder 0.1 %, Verticillium lecanii 5gm/lit (2 x 108 cfu/gm), Beauveria bassiana 5gm/lit (2 x 108 cfu/gm), Metarhizium anisopliae 5gm/lit (2 x 108 cfu/gm), Bacterial symbiont of entomopathogenic nematode (Photorhabdus luminescens) 20ml/lit (2 x 108 cfu/ml), Fish oil rosin soap 2ml / lit., Mealy Quit (New botanical formulation from CICR, Nagpur) 100ml/lit and Control (Water alone) were tested against nymphs and adults of Phenacoccus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus using cotton leaves (Bunny Bt) dipped in respective treatment solutions and air dried to remove excess water. Observations on insect mortality were recorded at 24 and 48h after treatment. Among different treatment tested on P. solenopsis nymphs, acephate recorded the highest mortality of 53.3 % at 48h after treatment. All the biopesticides tested were found to be on par in causing mortality of nymphs and adults. Chlorpyriphos and Mealy Quit were equally toxic causing 48.9% mortality at 48h after treatment. When tested against adults, the same trend of results was observed. When these treatments were tested against P. marginatus nymphs, again acephate ranked first with 55.56 % mortality at 48h after treatment. Chlorpyriphos, Mealy Quit and Fish Oil rosin soap were equally toxic causing 51.1 to 52.2 % mortality at 48h after treatment. Further studies are in progress to test the results under field condition.
DOI - 346
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