M. Soniyagandhi* and K. Kumar**
Two supervised field experiments were conducted during kharif, 2012 and rabi, 2012-13 to study theimpact of agrochemicals on the population of odonata in rice at Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute (PAJANCOA & RI), Karaikal, U.T. of Puducherry, India. Theexperiment was laid out in a randomized block design with eight treatments and three replications. It includes sole application of herbicide (Butachlor @ 2.5 litres/ha), fertilizers (NPK applied @ 50% N +100% P + 100% K), insecticide (Chlorpyriphos @ 0.02 per cent seedling dip and foliar spray @ 1250ml/ha), herbicide + fertilizer, herbicide + insecticide, fertilizer + insecticide, herbicide + fertilizer +insecticide and untreated check. In this experiment eight species of odonata viz., Agriocnemis pygmaeaRambur, Ceriagrion coromandelianum F., Ischnura aurora Brauer, Lestes elatus Hagen in Selys, Diplacodes trivialis Rambur, Orthetrum sabina Drury, Pantala flavescens F. and Rhyothemis variegata Linn. were identified during the crop growth period. The population of odonata was
recorded from 1st week to 12th week after transplanting. During kharif, the overall mean population of odonata ranged from 0.19 to 0.65/sweeping. It was found that the per cent reduction was higher in thetreatment with herbicide + insecticide (70.77%) compared to the untreated check. During rabi, theoverall mean population of odonata ranged from 0.19 to 0.56/sweeping. A higher per cent reductionwas observed in the treatment with herbicide + insecticide (66.07%) as in the kharif. It was concludedfrom both field experiments a higher population of odonata was observed in the untreated checkfollowed by the treatment with fertilizer alone while a low population was observed in the herbicide +insecticide treatment followed by insecticide alone.
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